8th Graders Meredith Lowery ('24) (left) and Emily Widner ('24) (right) sing a mashup of “This Is Me” and “You Will Be Found.”
“We are so excited to have you all here tonight to see the incredibly gifted and talented students that dawn our hallways on a daily basis. Can you believe that walking around every day, you pass by singers, musicians, gymnasts, magicians, and more?!”
~ Opening emcee lines

5th Grader Megan Trulock ('27) singing and playing her cover of Hillsong's “Who Am I.”
What a true statement! Legacy Christian Academy is blessed with many talented students and the Middle School division is no exception. Students in grades 5-8 showed off these talents at the first-ever Middle School Talent Show with acts including a magician, several singers, pianists, a gymnast, and a panda.

Kaylee Dowd ('26) charmed the crowd with her rendition of “Split the Sea.”
The Talent Show allowed each student to have the spotlight for a few moments to show their passions and abilities. Students were able to overcome their fears and step out onto the LPAC stage to perform for an audience that proved to be both receptive and encouraging. Each act was met with loud applause and reassuring shouts of a job well done.
Sprinkled throughout the evening were performances by the Middle School Choir compiled of 6th-8th grade students. This group was responsible for five different acts during the show. Since this was the first performance for this year's choir, and with 25 new singers, it was no small task to learn the amount of music necessary to make the Talent Show a success.
The Middle School Choir taking their first “family” photo.
I'm amazed at how quickly this group has come together to form such a strong choir. It's a testament to each student's hard work and dedication. A big part of choir is bonding to become a family and working together to make beautiful music. I'm excited to see where the middle school choir program is headed in the future!
~ April Rodriguez, MS Choir Director
After singing songs like the English folksong “Howdidow, Deediddleumday!” and the a cappella song “Take Me Home” by Pentatonix, the choir closed the talent show with the song “Glorious” arranged by Tom Fettke. The song talks about how each person plays a part in the symphony of life. Click below to watch a parent video of the song.
“There are times when you might feel aimless, and can’t see the places where you belong,
But you will find that there is a purpose, it’s been there within you all along.
And when you're near it, you can almost hear it,
It’s like a symphony, just keep listening, and pretty soon you’ll start to figure out your part.
Everyone place a piece, and there are melodies in each one of us, oh it’s glorious!”
It was a wonderful conclusion to a night where the audience was able to see some of the different “melodies” LCA's middle school students play.