
You have a high school student, and your family has decided it may be time for a school change.
Now what? Where do you start? What are you looking for in a school? What is your student looking for in a school? Are you looking for the same things? These are some pretty big questions that need to be answered before you start your high school search.

Let us help. The right high school choice will meet three critical needs of your student and family:
Life-Long Relationships:

There is great value for students to learn how to develop genuine relationships with each other, with their teachers, as well as growing their personal relationship with the Lord.

The very nature of the learning environment at LCA is designed for student engagement and interaction. By creating intentional student leadership opportunities in the classroom, on the athletic field, and on the fine arts stage, our students are able to develop lifelong relationships.

Student Advisory Groups create a social and support network within which students develop purposeful, small group relationships. Our faculty skillfully integrate Biblical worldview into each subject, teaching students to use the lens of God’s Word to filter their decisions and guide their actions. Diving deep into God’s word, our faculty places the highest priority on creating an atmosphere where your student’s relationship with the Lord will be nurtured and flourish.

Boohoo Yahoo parents together on the football fieldYou will also find that you, as parents, will form lifelong relationships with other parents in the Legacy Community.


High school is a season of preparation for your student on many levels.

In academics, fine arts and athletics, your students will be challenged to stretch the gifts and abilities God has given them. The compassionate faculty at Legacy are prepared to provide encouragement and support for your student. They strive to teach your students how to think critically, to solve problems creatively, and to do hard things.

The Professional Schools Program captures your student’s God-given talents and provides them with the opportunity to explore various career paths. Students have the opportunity to take AP classes as well as dual-credit classes through our partnership with John Brown University.

Parents and students benefit from our Director of College Placement, who guides families through the College Acceptance Process. The Class of 2020 had 91 graduates who earned over $10.5 million in scholarships.

Students are inspired to persevere, persist, and achieve their personal best, all while honoring the gifts God has given them. That is the essence of preparation at LCA.


High school is not a spectator sport! At LCA there are many, many ways for students to get involved. LEAD Legacy is a program whereby students are empowered to impact the culture of the school. There is a place for each student to learn, grow and serve through LEAD Legacy.

Each of the 5 Professional Schools offer components of student involvement and service which culminate in a Capstone Internship during their senior year. The students in the Professional School of Medicine partner with Carter Blood Center to conduct several community blood drives each year.

There are countless opportunities to participate in academic competitions, athletics, and fine arts competitions. The Screamin’ Eagles Marching Band has won the State Championship for the last eight years. Our Boys varsity basketball team brought home the State Champ title for the last two years in a row and are in the hunt for a ‘Three-peat.” The LCA boys and girls varsity sports consistently advance to district play and beyond. The engineering club and robotics club are fierce competitors in state competitions.

Want to learn more about high school at LCA?

All that Legacy offers for your student and family is guided by our commitment to honoring the Lord in all we do. At Legacy, there is a place for your student and your entire family. Come and see Legacy for yourself, a school you will call “Home.” Reach out and schedule a Connection Call with one of our admissions team members to learn more about Life@Legacy.

Celeste Cordon currently serves as the Director of Admissions at Legacy Christian Academy. She has been in education for over 40 years. “God has been so gracious to allow me to be a part of the Legacy Community. Every day I see, first -hand, the reality of the Legacy promise; to know, love and prepare your child.”

Legacy Christian Academy is Frisco's preeminent Pre-K through 12 Christian school committed to educating students in a college preparatory environment balanced in academics, athletics, and fine arts–all within the context of a biblical worldview. For more information on Legacy, visit our admissions page.