Kristie Mitchel

Kristie Mitchell

7th Grade Math Teacher

Educational Background

Bachelor of Arts- Education, Louisiana Tech University

Joined LCA

August 2017

My Family

God took a lifetime to prepare me for Legacy. While in school to become a teacher, I took a hiatus from college life and lived as a missionary in Lake Tahoe, Ca from 1999-2001. When I returned to Louisiana, I finished my Bachelor of Arts degree from Louisiana Tech. I met Todd, got married, and we moved to Dallas in 2005. When we decided to start a family, we moved back to Louisiana to have grandparents close by and where I could begin teaching in a small, Christian school. My family and I moved back to the DFW area at the beginning of the summer of 2017. Sierra began 5th grade as I began teaching math and science in middle school. She is now in high school and looking to complete her last two years before college. We love our time at Legacy and look forward to all God has for us here.

What do you love most about teaching, coaching, or working at LCA?

I absolutely love the community of Legacy. During my time here, we have experienced open and welcoming members of a family, not just a school.

What is your favorite scripture? Why?

Micah 6:8 is a key verse of mine. It helps me remember how to act and treat others.