
Throughout your college search, it is important to keep many things in mind. Even when you enter your freshman year of high school, it is a great time to be thinking about your college applications that are coming in a few years. You will want to keep in mind ways you can augment your college application file so that you stand out and get noticed. Rebekah Radney, our Director of College Advising, has more tips on how to put your best foot forward.



It is never too soon to start building and compiling your resume data. It would be beneficial for you to start building your resume in Naviance in 9th grade. There is a resume builder tool in Naviance that allows you to add different accolades and will guide you through building a resume year after year from freshman all the way through high school.

Points to consider:

Colleges want to see consistency and commitment – find something you enjoy or are passionate about and stick with it throughout high school. It demonstrates that you have staying power. One way to do this is to volunteer at the same organization throughout high school.

Remember to elaborate on points of your resume in areas that may need further interpretation. For example, if you are a Varsity Football player, most people have an idea about what that entails. If you are, however, in an organization like LSO, be sure to expound on what that organization is and what it does. You are trying to paint a complete picture of your involvement and your dedication to the works they do. This all reflects upon you as a person- your ethics, character and your interests.

When it comes to formatting…keep it simple! Simple and clean is better.

Interview Time – be aware as you are building your resume that you should be prepared to have depth in your awareness of your activities on your resume.  Be ready to articulate every line on your resume. This is more than just a checklist of activities and honors but will serve as a springboard for a deeper conversation.

Helpful Resume Instructions                                    Sample Resume


The College Fair Experience

It is important to take advantage of every opportunity that you have available to you to get your name and face in front of colleges as much as possible. Whether you are just beginning the process or if you are starting to narrow down your top choices, getting yourself in front of them will always be beneficial. Any time a college is on campus at Legacy, visit with their representatives and be sure to complete an interest card – this will help get your name in front of them and registers your interest.

College Tours

Visit the campus. Take a tour. Ask questions and show interest while you are there. This is just as much about a match for you as it is for you to be a familiar name/face for them throughout the application process.

Another way you can “see” the campuses in which you are interested is through a virtual college tour. Get to know the college and aquire as much knowledge as you can so that you can ask relevant questions.


When it comes to paying for college, there are a number of resources you can access that will help you get through the maze of financing your post-secondary education.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

What is federal student aid?

The process of applying for federal aid.

Scholarships >> a couple of different resources to visit for information on scholarships are:, and Miss Radney will send information out regarding local scholarships as they become available.